Recently, the improvement of working conditions increasingly levels, industries and businesses concerned. For good working environment, to ensure the interests, health, good diet, will help enterprises, production facilities, sales attract labor. When assured production labor, raise productivity … mutually beneficial.
Of course, the maintenance and improvement of good working conditions for employees needed commitment from employers and the understanding, cooperation of employees. The trainings on improving working conditions for business or inspections on labor safety and hygiene, the functional departments to strictly implement and attract the attention of businesses and workers work, help them raise awareness about conditions and work environment.
On work no more than 8 hours, ensuring that workers’ regime prescribed. Prior to the work, all workers are tested hands, who had to break the wound healed treatment, to new work. The production process, workers exhibiting fatigue, take precedence over rest rooms, until healthy. The company has a spacious eat, meal quality and ensuring food safety is also important conditions that contribute to the psychological comfort for workers.
Improved working conditions for the workers assured production, labor productivity growth is targeted towards enterprises always.
In addition, wages, bonuses and holidays are full; superior sociable, friendly workers, creating working atmosphere very comfortable so they were all doing our best. With these conditions, workers are satisfied with the conditions of work and determination to stick, long-term contribution to the company.